Educative projects for Children

Prehistoric , stone age experiential project for students.

· Events,Celebration,Children,Activities,Education

Education providers often strive to enhance student’s classroom learning by creating experiential projects to have students obtain hands off knowledge through practical work. Projects in education settings range from science, exhibitions ,music, art and craft.

In this article we share a good example of such experiential projects under the theme ‘The stone age’, and highlight practical ways of hosting it with young learners. We made mention of useful DIY crafts, probes, and we went further to explain how parents could participate in such educative events and finally we ended with some tips on decoration. This theme, “Stone age” is by far one of our best concepts for young learners as it entails taking a dive into rich history and traditions that marked the early development of human societies.

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  • How can children benefit from such projects ?

Unforgettable lessons
Young participants at such projects should have the chance to learn about the stone age people, ranging from tool making-skills to how they hunted, cooked, made their habitat, dressed, moved from one place
to another and how they communicated. Such lessons should offer great takeaways for children as they imagine while trying to make a comparism with our current society. From the fierce hunting of mammoths for food to skinning them to make clothes and the striking of rocks to make sparks for fire, a project about stone age enlightens participants with unforgettable lessons.

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Stone age craft

The tools, clothes and communication style during the stone age represent some of the profound prehistoric discoveries that trend till this day. To reinforced these lessons participants should be given the opportunity to lay hands in the practical aspect of making their own craft. Example of such handcraft could be hunting tools such as spears, bowls, arrows, axes, live saving tools like huts, caves, fire, clothes and other basic utensils, from material provided and guided by instructors. They could even be given the chance to make their own version of cave men.

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  • Parents contributions in such projects?

Craft making sessions

Having parents actively take part in this beautiful journey of impacting knowledge on their
children should be rewarding and should serve as a great opportunity for parents to create a more solid bund with their children. For those running kindergartens and primary schools, it is advisable to send parents invitations to volunteer in preparatory activities prior to the major event day with the students. The parents should as well be briefed about what kind of craft they are expected to make (based on the theme) and it is advisable to let the parents come up with their individual ideas as some parents could be very creative.

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  • Decoration ideas

The aim at this stage is to create an experiential feel to help reflect the main theme of the
event. In this case, student’s craft and the collection of every craft from parents should be summed up to depict a beautiful stone age community. A giant mammoth should be built and placed in a strategic position with cave men attacking it. Huts and caves should help make the facility resemble ancient times. A brilliant DIY waterfall should contribute to the natural landforms while a mountainous view should reflect the overall topography. With mannequins, a family of stone age people could be replicated, with the use of fur fabric, bones and leather for their clothing, meanwhile cardboard and felt paper should be used for rocks.

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A majority of these items are meant to be handmade,however, a few ready-made materials like stones, leaves, and mannequins could be purchased and customized to match the outcome of the event. Thanksfor reading and we hope you found these ideas helpful and we hope this should
help inspire you with any struggle in kids event planning.